Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mahakali Caves

Absolutely brilliant sculpture crafted into basalt rock. Wondered a lot to see the presence of such a calm place in the midst of busting cities like Mumbai. Protected and maintained by Archaeological Survey of India.

Kondivie caves are situated in the western suburb o Mumbal, at Andheri.

These 19 caves were carved between 2 cenluty BC and 6th century BC. These caves are in two groups consisting of 14 water tanks and one rock inscription were found. Over a period of time, these caves went into oblivion. In 19 century, it was British Secretary Mr. Einthoven, who about these caves and recorded it in Bombay Caste Sr. No.227, Survey No.30f the 19 caves, 15 caves are southeast face and 4 are on the northwest side. The rocks of the caves are prone to weathering due to volcanic trap breccias. which are situated on a hilock.

Cave No.1 is a small vihara with veranda, and Cave No.2 is prominenty noticeable as it consists of a Stupa in it, though now it is dlaplidated. Cave No 3 is a resting place of Buddhist monks. Cave No. 4 resembles a school and on its righside a scupture of seven headed serpent is seen, which essentialy represents Nagas of Buddhisl tradition, who are also propagators and followers of Dhamma And on the front a 4 feet stone slab in a semi carved state is seen. caves No. 5, 6, 7, and 8 are small viharas.

Cave No. 9 consists of Chaitya cave which consists of enclosed reclangular hall and semi-circular wall along the shupa while the open varanda is flat roofed the Inner shrine has a domical cover prone to water  ingress its front side is central door in the middle and latticed windows on either side and on the over the right-side window, is a two line inscription in Pali Prakrit language and Dhammalipi, which states about donations. 

On the right-side wall, there pannel have deteriorated exists facebreak Gautam Buddha in Dhammchakrapravatan mudra (the buddha first sermon) position seated on a padmaparalambit posture on a lotus petal sculpture. And on top 2 flying Gandnarva (Vidyadnara) are sculpted. In the frame on the top now we could see only 1O Buddha's out of  12 Buddha sculpture seated In the above-mentioned posture. Two human body Naga followers with seven headed serpent are depicted holding stem of the lotus and balancing themselves along with them women and chauri-bearers workers are seen to depicted in the sculpture.

On the right-side and left side of Tatghat Gautam Buddha, two sculptures are carved cut depicting Padmpani Bodhisattva and Vajrapani Bodhisattva standing on the Lotus flower. 

Cave No. 10 is a vihara and on lis right-side there exists seven headed serpents in deteriorated condition. Cave No 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are small and big Vihara. 

Cave No.12 is a dwelling place for Buddhist monks consisting of stone platforms for resting/sleeping. Cave No.13 is a big pavilion vihara with 4 huge decorated pilars. In this vihara there are 8 small rooms with sleeping platforms.

Cave No. 16 is on northwest directy face on the road side, which has a water tank in front of the door and a path-way is found to be created to collect the rain water in the tank. Out of the 4 caves, in two viharas 6 feet long resting platforms carved out. Cave No. 17 and 18 are vihara and has a big water tank in its front side and also in font of Cave No. 18 frontwall two feet Stupa model is carved out. Kondivite Caves are proltecled as a National Monument by the Archaeological Survey. 

Easy to reach, it requires 3 to 4 hours to visit entire premises.  

Keep rediscovering, keep traveling. 



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Rusted but remained!

 Rusted but remained! Clicked at Matheran, Maharashtra, India.