Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Train to Pakistan and Train from Pakistan.

 Train to Pakistan and Train from Pakistan.

I am deeply enlightened while reading 1956's  novel called 'Train to Pakistan' by Khushwant Singh. 
The monsoon of 1947 was the bloodiest monsoon India had ever observed. With greet of independence we also observed agony of partition. Partition of one nation; into two separate entities, were aligned on the basis of communal foundation.

Khushwant Singhs nations made the vivid picture of the separations of hearts from their bodies and souls. The agonized fables has been portraited very well in the form of words arrangement and rearrangements. This has kept me spellbound in this novel. Author has provided his independent narration for each role and each & every role is crucial in the novel.

Train to Pakisthan
Khushwant Singh has started following his mantle since his journey has began with one of the greatest novel in Indian history. Khushwant Singh did justice to all the characters appear in this novel.

The story sets in just after India has got freedom from British Raj with complementary gift of separation. A newly form nation called Pakistan, were the biggest denouncing act of by Briton. And
 it left people of adjoining borders  where. Pakistan was considered as safe heavens for Muslims and India were assumed safe territories for rest communities resided since ages. A farrago of everything is explained in very soothing ways. Complexity of love, lust, nature, religion were narrated in very simple forms without any moldings. It is agonized marvelous story of getting homeless over a night and fall into unknown territory. Partition was the penance of unknown sins.

A train from Pakistani arrived with dead bodies of people and other train from India departed with parcels of ancestral love, care, memories and more importantly grief. A grief that will never be counsel for next few generations. People breathed the air of despondency, which thereby observed in blood streams and became the part of DNA ultimately. What I learnt is providing equal justice to all the characters present in writing as well as in our life.

Reading is so important to enlighten your understanding of not all but certain parts of partition.

Very nice reading!

Amol Nakve

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.