Monday, July 16, 2018


As day goes behind, sun sets, I recalled the journey of interaction with people to whom I met and discussed particular or specific things weather it was personal or professional, it hardly matters or concerned area for anyone.

There are set of people who believes, things will be aligned for attaining their dreams, their goals. They just dreamed it and left rest things to fortune or Divine interventions. They just start something and left doing nothing. The billion dollars question remains the same. ‘What would be the destiny of such people?'. Attainable or lost in the memory of times reliability. They keep there faith with God.

And there are other source of people who believes that dream and goal needs blood and sweat. Hardwork, consistent approaches, ability to digest failures are not just bare words for them. Sun will set as earthy phenomenon, and for them sun will never set. They are pursuing their path like every moves is giving them triumph. They believes hardwork, they believe that through hardwork one can change the direction of river, can change the flow air, can crack the mountain for path. They keep there faith in god.

They are the ultimate combination of visionary and doer. Their Dreams doesn't allow them to sleep. Success is not accidental factor for them. World is merely shining just because of them.

I salute them for their indomitable spirit and enjoying their company in my journey towards destination.

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.