Thursday, May 24, 2012

Just for Today, Lord.


Last evening I have attended the seminar conducted by SHRM India on HR ration.
Good to know that ISO and SHRM are working toward the standards like ISO 9001 for HR.  
The subject of the day was HR Ratios and how this can be helpful for HR fraternity by Mr. V. P. Mashroo( V.P. HR for Harsha Engineers Limited.)

He has started the function with following prayer, I just thought to share with you.

Just for Today, Lord.

I will live through the next 12 hours and not try to tackle all of life’s problems at once.
I will improve my mind.
I will learn something useful.
I will learn something that required efforts, though and concentration.
I will be agreeable.
I will look my best, speck in well- modulated voice, be courteous and considerate to my colleagues.
I will not try to change or improve anyone but myself.
I will have program.
I might not follow it exactly but I will have it.
I will save myself from two enemies- hurry and indecision.
I will do two things,
I will do a good turn and keep it secret. If anyone finds out, it won’t count.
I don’t want to do, just for the exercise.
I will believe in myself.
I will give my best to the world and feel confident that the would will give its best to me.

Amol Nakve.

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.