Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Character and Behavior.

How to Build the Character and Behavior.

Zenger and Folkman suggested the following three steps to alter behavior and build character.

1) Always Deliver: Be cautious in the commitments you make. One of the core values of Infosys is, 'under promise and over-deliver' rather than over-promise and under-deliver. If you know that you may not be able to deliver, then you should not commit. False commitments inconvenience others and damage their trust in you, If you have made a mistake, admit it and work on correcting it. Next time remember to be careful.

2) Be humble: Do not flaunt the power and authority given to you. Be willing to laugh at and correct yourself. Humility is a very commendable quality. It encourages strong relationship building.

3) Find a Mirror: You need to be constantly aware of how others perceive you and your character. The mirror may be a good mentor, a trusted colleague, or a friend. 360 degree feedback is also helpful.

(note:  from the book Managers Who Makes a Difference by T.V. Rao.

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.