Monday, June 24, 2024

Air India to unAir India- A Story of Downfall

Murder on the Orient Express investigated the mysterious murder on a running train. The detective investigated the matter and finally concluded that all the people onboarded on the train were murders. It was Agatha Christie's fictional tale of mysterious murder.  

The Descent of Air India is another mysterious journey of Air India, India's national air carrier. It investigated the question of who killed Air India. Leadership, trade unions, worst services, HR, government, or what else.

Air India was incorporated as a private owned entity under the leadership of JRD Tata. Then, the airline has been nationalized post independence. The pitfall begins from this point onwards. 

It's a beautiful postmortem of descent of Air India. What events lead to India's financial downfall despite being the pioneer airline in the world?  How was self-centered leadership causing grave injuries to the airline? What happens when incompetent people work and deteriorate the customer experience?  How was the HR team full of sycophants says yes all No thing?

I would call this book as a great business book I ever read. Jitendra Bhargava worked in India for a good amount of time, and eyewitnessd the all the events that caused chronic injury to Air India. It's always good to read from people who had already witnessed the events and narrated them. Recommended to read. And special thanks to Jitendra Bhargava for his effrontery writing.  


Amol Nakve


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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.