Sunday, April 21, 2024

Dr. Rawat and Manali

Good hospital with friendly staff. If you are traveler and have some health related difficulties in Manali, you must visit Dr. Rawat. His clinic is very close to mall road. Dr. Rawat's palliative care make your painfully journey into memorable walk on mall road and other places. Definitely will not like to meet Dr. Rawat for health related issues again but as friendly gesture will like to meet him again and again.

Keep traveling, keep rediscovering.  



Dr. Rawat is quintessential character among all healthcare professional fraternities in Manali, I would say in entire state of Himachal Pradesh.  

His clinic is situated very close to Mall road of Manali. And that makes him very famous among all the tourists who developed sickness in the mountains. Prima-face  he looked like his legendary cartoonist R. K. Lakshman.

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.