Tuesday, September 5, 2023


I am deeply sadness by this polemic article published in today's The Tribune. The author remunerated by exchequer on taxpayers money(her salary). She could not justify her opinion about spending a mammoth amount of money on election scheduleed each half yearly.

More freebies for the cause of social welfare. Nobody is thinking about making nation stronger and stronger. Despite 77 years of independence we are still lagging behind alot as compared to other nation. In 1977 India and China were having same income per capita. Today China has left us far far behind.  We all have to think about what kind of democracy we are inculcate for future generations. 

There is dire need to give some creative touch mother of democracies. Tha could be in the form of one nation one election. All political differences has to melt in order to strengthen the democracy.  Chances are blink to see some concrete happening in immediate future on one nation one election.  But good think is that this important aspect of democracy has been put into discussions. 



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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.