Thursday, December 8, 2022

Tsangu Lake - Where Transformation begins..

It's lovely place to visit, I have visited Tsangu Lake in month of November when winter is all set to step in. The lake is perfect destination for tourists on their way to Nathula. Mountains over the lake started getting snow. Lush green mountains are getting milky white colors.  In deep winters the lake will change the state of liquid to hard and cold ice.

Watching the beginning of this transformation i.e. transformation of one state of substance to another state is literally a feast to the eyes. You can see the yalk grazing around on mountains to make more powder to fight against rough winter's ahead. The serenity you captured in your eyes will remain forever in your heart.

I would not be surprised to say that this place and serenity as an abstract.

Keep Traveling.....Keep Rediscovering..


Amol Nakve

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.