Sunday, January 2, 2022

Miracle in cell number 7

Upon recommendation of my dearest friend, I happened to watch the Korean drama film called 'Miracle in cell number 7'. Its 2013 movie directed by Lee Hwan-kyung and in 2019 officially remade in Turkish language by Mehmet Ada. It's my second Korean film and 1st movie of 2022.

It's a fable of father and fairy daughter. The story, fold and unfold the unconditional and  indomitable love of the intellectual disable father for her daughter. How power and pennies put someone in a miserable


Father, daughter and the circumstances in which both of them got separated and united and again separated forever. Kudos to direction which kept me spellbound and left me in deep thoughts for a long time.

 Irrespective of language barriers I really love watching the screening.

Highly recommended to watch. Even IMDB has rating of 8.2 which made it one of the recommendation. Movie will help to be a better human being.

Keep watching.

From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.