Sunday, May 16, 2021

Nostalgia for relief

Nostalgia for relief

Have you ever wonder, how frequently we been looking for mind soothing techniques in the last one and a half years. Probably we may have tried some techniques in order to get some relief from stress. The socio-economic parameters are around us have lost their natural tendency to provide mental relaxation. Although, Covid-19 had play havoc in destabilizing the minds of the masses. 

Nostalgia for relief
We are directed towards some meaning in life. And sometimes those meaning gets jolts in the midst of the journey. Freudian centered those meaning to will to pleasure, Adlerian centers those to will to power & Viktor Frankle centered it to will to meaning. We all are going through many jolts in this pandemic and need of an hour to get rid of those mental stress. I am sure we all are following some or another technique to get on the track of meaningful life. 

I intended to write this narration for the HR fraternity then I realize it's not only HR, that the first caregivers' to people. Almost every one of us is there for taking care of our team members. Hense onus not only lies with HR and along with others and HR also needs some relaxation technique. 

It's again not the same fit for all formulas. We all carry different DNA and single -fit all formula may not work. Some people may get destress by meditation, mindfulness, music, movies, books, exercise, and yoga. A few days ago, nothing seems working out for me as the jolts were so huge, arising out of loss of near and dear ones due to covid-19.

A day ago, one of my close friends had sent me a 15 years old pic from Kerala trip that happened in the year 2021. Those days were really fantastic. I have got myself embroiled in those glorious memories. I immediately opened my laptop and flipped through a photograph by photograph. Literally, we all have to traverse through that journey again. Traveling with limited pocket money, to unknown places, among unknown people, with limited understanding of resources and planning we had great leanings for our entire life. Those learnings and fun made most of us solo travelers with some concrete meaning sets in the future.

The activity of flipping through photographs gave me a sense of nostalgia and I forgot whatever is happening around us i.e. pandemic, the falling economy. It rejuvenates a zeal for a more meaningful life. Sometimes our sweet memories give ecstasy, a moment of nostalgia.

Trust your albums with joyful photographs will ease your hard times.



Amol Nakve

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.