Monday, February 22, 2021

Mentoring for transforming Ideas into Reality

Mentoring for transforming Ideas into Reality

Honorable Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi during an inaugural speech at 29th NASSCOM Technology and Leadership summit 2021 has said that 'India is not short of Idia's, It needs mentors who can help turn ideas into realities. And It has sparked very unique to different thoughts to view mentoring from a myriad point of view especially mentoring in more economic prospects.  

The classical Oxford definition of mentoring is 'the practice of helping and advising a less experienced person over a period of time, especially as part of a formal program in a company, university etc.'  The concept of mentoring dates back around 3000 years old to Homers 'Odyssey. In that epic Greek poem, the protagonist Odysseus entrusts his son his friend while fighting the Trojan War. During that time, the mentors cares for and nurturing the young boys.  

Also, during the great war of Kurukshetra, Lord Krishna mentoring Arjuna without picking up any weapon, gaining dharma's triumph over karma.

Over a period of thousands of years the concept of mentoring evolve. It has evolved from mare initive to business imperative. Today we are mentoring associated with young women and men seeking advice from elders, more experienced person for professional growth. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's views on transforming Ideas into reality must give a new dimension to mentoring. 

India's flagship initiatives like StartUp India and Atmanirbhar Bharat are the most important economic agendas on the card to project India into a prosperous era. Startup India is an innovation-driven initiative where Ideas are acting as seeds of growth from the atomic level to the molecular level. 

We need the expertise to transform those ideas into actions and thereby into reality. In an economic term, ventures need to be incubated in order to achieve scale. Where we can see his view on mentoring can play a pivotal role. Mentoring by and large helped the industry to be more creative and produce the most innovative products to afloat in fierce competition internally. Now it's time to mentor more externally to attain India's agenda of self-reliant.  A simple act of mentoring will give us the opportunity to project ourselves as more agile and prosper economically.

The Act of mentoring is sowing the seeds of economic development.

- Amol Nakve 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice... Just like under your mentoring

From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.