Friday, March 29, 2019

Firoz Shah Kotla Fort

Firoz Shah Kotla Fort

Firoz Shah Tughalaq took over the charges of Tughlaq Dynasty after the death of Muhamad Bin Tughalaq. He is genuinely believed to be the last active king of Tughlaq Dynasty.  He built this fortress keeping in view of his vision of Delhi’s new city Firozabad.

Kotla which literally means ‘citadel’. Firozabad was the fifth city in Delhi built by emperor to envisaged their own version of vision.  

The fort itself is in the form of massively built stone walls to withstand attacks from Mangols and Afgans.

The fort occupies three main structures, Pyramid structure caring third century Ashokan Pillar, Jami mosque and Baoli.
Pyramid structure caring Ashokan Pillar is 2 story structure, having many cells on each story.

It is believed that Jinns from heaven come here and accepts the request of a folks who sticks their wishes in the form of written note on the walls. Another place for belivers. 

At present it serve as main tourist destination in Delhi City. Nearest metro station being Delhi Gate, one has to walk little with from gate number 3 of metro station to reach the destination. Very well managed by Archeological Survey of India.  
Explorers must visit the place.

Good place for photography. 

Amol Nakve

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.