Friday, March 29, 2019

Firoz Shah Kotla Fort

Firoz Shah Kotla Fort

Firoz Shah Tughalaq took over the charges of Tughlaq Dynasty after the death of Muhamad Bin Tughalaq. He is genuinely believed to be the last active king of Tughlaq Dynasty.  He built this fortress keeping in view of his vision of Delhi’s new city Firozabad.

Kotla which literally means ‘citadel’. Firozabad was the fifth city in Delhi built by emperor to envisaged their own version of vision.  

The fort itself is in the form of massively built stone walls to withstand attacks from Mangols and Afgans.

The fort occupies three main structures, Pyramid structure caring third century Ashokan Pillar, Jami mosque and Baoli.
Pyramid structure caring Ashokan Pillar is 2 story structure, having many cells on each story.

It is believed that Jinns from heaven come here and accepts the request of a folks who sticks their wishes in the form of written note on the walls. Another place for belivers. 

At present it serve as main tourist destination in Delhi City. Nearest metro station being Delhi Gate, one has to walk little with from gate number 3 of metro station to reach the destination. Very well managed by Archeological Survey of India.  
Explorers must visit the place.

Good place for photography. 

Amol Nakve

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tughlaqabad Fort

Tughlaqabad Fort

Tughlaqabad fort was established by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq in 1321 AD. The fort ruins are situated at southest part of Delhi, capital city of India. Let me tell you a brief history of Tughlaqabad Fort.

Ghazi Malik was honest associate of Khilji ruler. While on a long walk at south hillock with his king, Ghazi Malik suggested the king to built massive fort on this hillocks to prevent and defend Mangols. King sarcastically laugh and told Ghazi Malik  ‘once he become king and start building the fort for himself'. That was the point of ignition of Tughlaq dynasty and fall of Khilji Empire.

Upon acquiring the throne Ghazi Malik renamed himself as Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq and started construction of his dream project. He ordered all labourer of Delhi to work on constructing the fort. While during the same time a saint Nizzamuddin Aulia was working upon building at well ‘baoli’ in his premises. The kings rough order deeply saddened him as his work of construction had been stopped and saint uttered a curse upon him.  ‘ya rahay ujjar, ya rahay gujjars' means ‘either remain inhabited or would live gujjars'. On lines of this course local  gujjars have acquired the fort and started living there.

That’s was the sole reason, the place has been consider as haunted fort in Delhi.

The fort was the stepping stone of Tughlaq dynesty. The fort is connected to Ghiyassuddin’s tomb where his grave is marvellously mounted by causway. A lake once flowing in-between fort and tomb.

The fort itself consisting of three part the citadel, city and royal residency. Once fortress had 52 gates massive bastions, fort walls bazaars, mosque. Now only beautiful remains are speaking the fable of early glory. It takes around two hours to witness the past in remains of Tughlaq king. Meena bazar was center of attraction for me with underground well built cells indicating the gathering of Byers and Sellers.

Preserve and well managed by Archeological Survey of India. Generally opens on every day between 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. No tickets for persons with special abilities. Very good place for photography. And beware of monkeys.

Happy to help and visit Tughalaqabad fort some other day.


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Diversity and Inclusion

I was here for conference on Diversity and Inclusion organised by NASSCOM an apex body representing IT Industry. The event was attended by more than 200 participants with spirit of bringing equality at workplace.

Being into HR fraternity and to an extent what I understood is diversity is having different segments of society at workplace(the process aspects) and inclusion is having participation of these different segments in a mainstream (the behaviour aspects).

Inclusion all started with 'I'. All the leaders of industry shall start inclusive practices with themselves and percolates strategy to stakeholders.

Nonetheless we as an society started this initiative and future will be more inclusive for all.

The Hotel Crowne Plaza deserves big round of applause for being differentially friendly friendly premises.

The subject leaves me to explore massive opportunity to learn.

Keep checking future post in my new journey of learning.

Amol Nakve

Monday, March 4, 2019

Adilabad Fort

Adilabad Fort 

Adilabad Fort was built by Muhammad Bin Tughlaq second ruler of Tughlaq dynasty. Adilabad Fort derived name from sobriquet of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq i.e. Adil. The fort is the forth fort in Delhi, others being Red Fort, Old Fort, Tughlaqabad. It's just small replica of Tughlaqabad Fort which were built by Adil's father Ghayasuddin Tughlaq the first ruler of Tughlaq dynasty. 

The fort is built in opposite fortress area of  Tughlaqabad Fort. Earlier both forts connected by causeway in between canal and lake.
Remaining ruins of the fort depicts its glory. Having two strong entry gates, bastions and triangular arches on walls, sloping walls, outer boundary walls, made it extremely difficult for Mangol enemies to conquer.

The sole objective of constructing this fort by Muhammad Bin Tughlaq could have been to establish his own monument to register his name in history.

Fort is opens at 9:30 am and closed at 6:00 pm. And there won't be any entry charges by administration. It takes around 2 hour to complete the visit. Best place of photography.

One must enjoy the glory of heritage in walk.


Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq Tomb

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, the very first ruler king from 'Tughlaq' dynesty built his own tomb while constructing Tughlaqabad fort in 1300th cenctuary. 
Quite visible from Adilabad fort and juxtaposed to Tughlaqabad fort is difinetly give us the glimpses of glorious history. Massively built on plane area, canal stremed once upon a time between Tughlaqabad fort and Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq tomb and connected by causeway.

The slanted tomb is a place where three graves resting in a peace viz Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, his beloved wife and his son Mohammad bin Tughlaq. 

Massive structure is well guarded by fort like wall with one bastion and other arches. 

There is another small tomb of Zafar Khan trusted general of Allauddin Khilji who died in 1299 AD. The fifth very small grave in inside one of the surrounding cell is of Ghiyasuddin's dog. 

The trip to tomb is paying homage to most liberal king of Tughlak Dynesty.


Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.