Sunday, August 27, 2017



Yayati is basically Marathi Language novel whiten by V.S. Khandekar.  The novel acclaimed the much famous award 'Gyanpit' in year 1974. For any writer aspiring to write something so beautiful and  his creation got such acclaimed award is just gaining the mastery of all writing for next coming infinite centuries.

I am quite unfortunate of not reading this novel in Marathi language despite having enough opportunities to read the content. But being late is far better than missing the bus. Today, I just finished the reading in english language. I felt like gaining a exposure of Jhumpa Lahiri which she experienced while writing her Italian language novel 'In Altre Parole'(in other words), the only significant difference is she wrote and I read.  Trying to put three main character in breath.


The novel depicts the story of sub central character of Mahabharata and story mentioned in Mahabharata- Adi Parva. He is one of the ancestor of Pandava and King of Hastinapur. The pages entails about the frivolous nature of Yayati his desire for love, sex. Being a kshatriya how he fall in love with his maids, how he marries to daughter of brahmin, his outlook towards women and wine. His aspects of life are definitely keeping readers spellbound.  Yayati character will make us kink the nature of human being,  'in spite of  much varied happiness, is always discontented and blindly running in pursuit of new pleasure. Desire will never be satisfied by indulgence it grows with every effort.


Daugher of demons guru Shukra. She married to Yayati for sake of her aspiration. She was in love with Kachha but that relationship did not exist for longer time. Her ego always kelp her ahead of blindness.


Daughter of king Vrishparva. As princes she would have married to king of any kingdom. But her quarrel leads her to become maid of Devyani for entire life. Her sacrifice for her father's kingdom make her different from all the characters. The depiction of surreptitious love between king Yayati and Sharmishta will make you fall in love with your love one again and again. She is idol for love, sacrifice, tolerance. He clandestine love with king and sacrifice for the offspring of love is really admirable.

Readers will enjoy the narration. I enjoyed it.

- Amol Nakve

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.