Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In An Antique Land


I just read the 'In an Antique Land' by Amitav Ghosh, The novel is the story of two Indians,  Amitav the doctoral scholar who went to Egypt in 1980’s  and  his  search for the Bomma  Indian slave of Ben Yiju an Arab merchant, way back in 1140’s. The book is based on the letters send by master Ben Yuji to his people in Aden(Egypt). Amitav's quest for tracing the Bomma's life through letters and on field visits in India and Egypt has been very well appreciated. Amitav has beautifully pictured the life of rural Egypt in this book and the trade scenario in medieval period. You will find lot of similarities in Egypt and India  The book is highly  recommended to read.

Happy Reading! 


Amol Nakve.

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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.