Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Go kiss the World.


Following extract from book Go kiss the world narrated by Subroto Bagchi.
Part 1: pg no: 33

‘The world is not divided between the living and the dead, there is no difference between what is animate and what is inanimate’ she once told me during our tea time conversations. ‘ Shabda(sound) is brhma(life),’ she added. Sensing that I was unable to comprehend, she knocked the surface of the dining table, twice, gently and asked, ‘Where did the sound emanate from? Was it is just my hand? No. it was the table replying to my knock. If I were to knock on any other surface, the sound will be very different, varied each time. It is the way the seemingly inanimate world specks to you. There is brhma in everything. As long as you are willing to knock, even the inanimate will respond. Each time, without fail. Where there is Shabda, there is brhma. Animate and inanimate are distinctions born of perception. In reality, everything is living.’
What did she experience with her two eyes that were open but had no vision in them? Did she only see darkness? ‘No,’ she had told me, ‘I only see light, infinite light.’
Our vision is not always a function of our capability to see, it is our willingness to open up our inner eye to the limitless universe that light up the path of our existence.


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From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.