Thursday, December 18, 2008


Wanna Ghajini look…

Now the learning lesson from Perfectionist Man from Bollywood nothing but One and only Aamir khan. His upcoming movie Ghajini is all sat to release on Christmas Day.
His eight pack look is become very laudable everywhere. It is very easy to appreciate eight pack body but do we know how this task was completed by Aamir. This process was very rigorous and painful. It just shows what man can make of himself once mind is conditioned to accept the pain, body punishment, of sustained, rigorous physical training.

His workout was cycle of tree days. On Monday he did chest and back, Tuesday he work on arms and Wednesday he exercised shoulders and legs and repeat the cycle. This include cardio everyday between half hour to an hour. And abs, to core muscle and get the pack. The day he felt good he pushes himself more. There was no time to think because he screaming in pain. His diet was challenging that supplemented his body.

It was balance diet, one third fat, one third carbo. One third protein but normal
food roties, sabzis, chicken, 16 egg white, fruit and 4 lit of water, all in tree spoons of oil. His Diet changes every month. In the last week he cut down salts and last tree days took himself on dehydration by having one glass of water a day this cut down last bit of fat. So body looks lean.

This efforts are fantabulous and really milestone achieving. For while forget about the abbs-body it gives us well-fitness.
So, take time from your life for you to work on it and make up mental make up for your six-pack body.( I am also thinking on it & made my mind for the same).
Dont think on it just do it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You looks like Amir...

From HR's Corner!!

From HR's Corner!! Good read from today's Times Ascent.