Sunday, June 12, 2022

Let's act against #childlabour


Clicked many years ago, somewhere in central India at a small railway station, a girl child was selling water to passengers. "Refill your bottle with INR 1 only" was her punch line.
The photograph left me suffocated for many days.
Let's act against #childlabour

#children #water #india #childlabour #artagainstchildlabor

Monday, June 6, 2022

Remembering Environment on Environment day!

I have clicked this photographs in January 2022 at Waghur dam. The dam is quenching the thirst of 6 lakh population as well as agriculture need of nearby surrounding area. The buit took many trees, natural flora and fauna, many villages. 

This photograph reminds me the importants of preserveing nature when it comes to utilization of nature resources.

We, the human beings nature's creation unanimously utilizes natural resources for our selfish deeds. We built dams, highways, township at inexplicable cost. The damage done the nature is irreversible and irreconcilable.

The compensation for this environmental loss would never be justified for sake of human development. And as a matter of fact we can not compensate the loss at any cost. Solution to problems of mankind shall not be damaging to the nature. We should not be creating more irrational equations.

The only way to sustained environment is to preserve nature with technological advancement and by having least impact of development activities on nature. Wherever and whenever possible we must avoid damaging the nature with best possibilities. This picture speaks thousand words. We must celebrate environment each day. Why should have only one day to celebrate.

Protect Environment and Mankind!


Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.