Monday, March 21, 2022

A testing time for time-tested friendship

Indo-Russian friendship celebration event was the last event I have visited before the pandemic of the Covide19 struck on the globe. I was flipping through the nostalgic memories of events I had attended in Delhi, and the last was Indo-Russian friendship celebration held from 7th - 8th March 2020. The event marked the friendly bonhomie of the two nations. Russia is a time-tested friend of India, undoubtedly.

Russia is/was always stands by India whenever there is/was veto power used by some of the democracies against India. India and Russia's friendship is very important in terms of strategic defence alliances & deals. It was Russia that supported India in the 1971 war for the liberation of Bangladesh. The strategic support of Russia kept USA, UK, and China at bay. India is highly dependent on arms & ammunition from Russia. 
IIndia-Russian Friendship Celebration an event to celebrate close ties between two nations. Image clicked at New Delhi, March 7, 2020

According to the data found on some of the articles available in the internet, the dependencies were 70% which comes down to 49%, because of a recent effort to manufacture defence equipment at a domestic level. From a defence point of view, Russia is an inextricable strategic defence partner of India. These defence ties help to maintain peace in South Asia. Apart from the defense deals, India and Russia also share cultural heritage, trade deals, educational opportunities etc.

The recent movements happening between Russia and Ukraine, called military operations or invasion or war sparked the debate around the world about India's stand on the current situations. For some, as a nation, we all are observing the paradox of India's strategic point of view. Although, it is a ubiquitous fact that we have maintained neutrality on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. War always brought calamities for human civilization. India's stand on resolving conflicts through dialogues has been made clear to both nations. 

We have navigated our views keeping the strategic importance of Russia as still there is the interdependency of crude and arms between the nations. India as a nation has kept the importance of national interest first policy terms maintaining neutrality on the conflict of Russia between Ukraine.

Hopefully, Ukraine and Russia may arrive at some conclusion through dialogues in order to maintain peace in the region.


Amol Nakve

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Happy Happiness.....

'If you want to be happy, be'- Leo Tolstoy.

Pursuit of Happiness is a fundamental right as per United Nations (UN) charter passed in the year 2012 and since that moment we are observing 20th March as World Happiness Day. We have been known to the fact happiness is a choice, still most of the time we all succumb to not attaining the full state of happiness. The three major factors that are hindering happiness are poverty, inequality and global warming/pollution. 17 sustainable development goals(SDGs) are addressing these challenges revolving around happiness. Hopefully, we all met the resolution of SDG's by 2030. 

Thanks to Bhutan, for adopting the Gross National Happiness as an indicator of holistic growth in the decade of 1970. It was the first kind of innovative adoption to see growth in terms of happiness by 
Happiness is irrationally rational consept.
replacing the gross national product. 
In the year 2012, Bhutan had moved the resolution on happiness and the UN has passed the resolution and asked member communities to celebrate this day with joy and zeal for spreading the happiness. Bhutan has become the epicenter and got popularity due to the theme of happiness i.e. spreading happiness. 

The year 2022's theme is to celebrate happiness day is Keep Calm, Stay wise and be kind. Keeping calm in every situation is key to satisfaction, staying wise in tough circumstances for success, being kind to other needs, mistakes and errors will empower you. 

Happiness all start with 'I'. Its a rationally irrational subject. Remove 'Y'(Why) from your happiness embrace the materialistic and non-materialistic content we possessed. Path to happiness pass-through containment. Happiness is not something readymade . it comes from action and deeds say the Dalai Lama. Our Karma will decide the state of our future happiness. Our good deeds lead to the happiness of others and thereby happiness of self. but this path requires wisdom.

Happiness is being seen as one of the well-being aspects in terms of workplace productivity and a true indicator of being engaged with a shared vision of the corporation. Happiness and productivity are inextricable. Happy employees lead to happy customers. Organizations started appointing Chief Happiness Officers in order to make workplaces happy. It should not be seen as a threat to capitalism. In fact, capitalism will grow under the umbrella of the strong Happiness Questions. Happiness reduces stress, enhances immunity and that may lead to higher productivity.

And this day let us determine to spread happiness. Happy people make Happy company.

Stay Happy!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Flowery Journey

Flowery Journey 

This is the most beautiful and flowery railway station I have ever seen. It was the beginning of summers, springs just wanted to end the glory. I was traveling from my source to destination. A unique and colorful view of this station gave the soothing effect to my eyes. Bougainvillea flower of various hues blooming in a youthful ways.

Sometimes in the middle of your journey you find beautiful places, but we miss the view and admire the marvelous beauty in order to reach the destination.

-Amol Nakve


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Westside Story(2021)

The Westside Story(2021)

 A good watch and probably the toughest contender for Oscars 2022 which will be revealed in this month itself. It's adaptation of classic movie with same title.  
Steven Spielberg given his magical touch in direction the screenplay. This is his first movie on musical canvas. And he has proven his assets in this genre also. Love at first sight strikes when Tony abd Maria meet first time at dance party. Both belong to rival groups who tried to prove their control on streets. 

This movie may left you with teary eyes. I would recommend you all to watch this no mid of the road movie. Cinematography, choreography and music will keep you spellbound during the screening. Just watched it and recommend to watch it 



Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.