Friday, April 30, 2021



Once Steve Jobs said 'The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.  The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come' 

Not all are good at spinning the yarn, but one must draw the effervescence from stories of others. Like the author has rightly said we all have stories and those stories define us, those definitions gives various dimension to inner as well as the outer world. Some stories gave negative shades to our life. We have to change the narrative of those stories which keeps us always in a shell that is difficult to break. The kind of narration which we used for the story will sets in vision and values in our day-to-day or future conduct. 

Stories play a pivotal role in our lives. That's why we pay our great attention at some point of time in our life. We all registered stories of own or others unconsciously in our mind. The effect of stories on our minds lasting for a long time may be forever and we keep those effervescences throughout our lives. Hence, it is utmost important to change the narrative of past stories and have right narrative for stories to come. Always remember stories define our life. We may get right or wrong, good or bad, it is our response to the events that lead to stories

PSI:- The above narration is my response to the article published in time of India on 20th April 2021 



Thursday, April 29, 2021

Octopus 🐙


I just watch the documentary called my octopus teacher on Netflix. It got highly appreciated and awarded with in Oscar 2021 for best documentary category. It's saga of human being and animal connections.  The direction had been screened under deep water with utmost perception. There is hell lot of similarities with human being and liquid mollusk animal octopus 🐙. 

Octopus is such intelligent animal having developed 70% of cognitive area on other body parts like tentacles, arms. Covering the other body parts having true senses, felling and emotions.

I will not wonder henceforward, if octopus are predicting who will be the next soccer world champion.


Thursday, April 22, 2021


Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.