Sunday, June 21, 2020

When The Sun is acting like The Moon!

When The Sun is acting like The Moon! 

The strongest and warmest of all creation sometimes adapts as per situations.
The Smiling Sun during engulfing eclipse and flowing clouds.

(Solar Eclipse, June 21, 2020, New Delhi India)

Monday, June 1, 2020

Softer Aspects of Rains.

Last night it poured a lot.
Drops from the heavenly sky were heavy.

Earth was scorched by the warmth of the summer sun. 

A confluence of raindrops and warm earth created the sound of melody and petrichor. 


Thursday, May 14, 2020


I have been told that expectations are root cause of it?

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dew drops

Dew Drops

Why dewdrops are special attention to me. I have been into photography since last many years. But these drops always been a point of attraction for me
 Why? This question always percolated me always and forever. I get always naïve feeling when I tried to capture these droplets. I care and value these drops as pearls. 

These pearls are a new source of energy in me. It brings life to my life. It brings a lot of happiness. Endless happiness keeps me moving ahead during the times of agony.  It gives me a new zeal to try and try harder. Although it is not always easy to capture in camera with bare eyes. It requires a lot of mental makeups to get the frame. Sometime these may not precise as per technical specifications. But always served the purpose which I am looking ahead.  Thanks to these dew drops.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The most cared Sign

The most cared Sign

Folks, I hope that you all have spent arduous time at home during the time lockdown in India as well as around the world. COVIDE 19 is not showing the sign of deceleration, we all are trying to cope with this pandemic situation and mitigating the health risk by staying at home. 
As a matter of fact, lockdown doesn't lock us inside the four walls it enlisted many hidden aspects of our cognizance. 

We have learned to contribute our share of work from home than physically going to offices. This will reap many benefits to employees as well as to employers. This arena is interesting and requires a separate set of long writings. 
WIFI Sign-on the router
Nikon D7100 f/7.1, 1/1.4, 27 mm, ISO-200 

I am wondering this evening while looking at WIFI connectivity sign of my internet device. The sign which allowed me the explore my potential, the sign which helps me to connect with the world. The sign which almost got my utmost attending whenever voice crakes during the official calls. It also sometimes avoided some unplanned and unwarranted discussions.    
I and most probably all of us would have diligently cared to ensure this sign must remain active during the time of lockdown. Going forward too, we all have to continue with a new way of life with social distancing and this sign will carry a lot of significance. The sign of  WIFI is most significant as well as the most cared sign of this time. 


Amol Nakve



Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.