Sunday, March 9, 2014

Parity Issue

One Rank One Pension - Parity Issue

My father has served Indian Army for 18 years. Throughout his tenure with army he has dedicated each and every moment of life to serve the nation. He was not there when my grandfather passed away; he was not there when his son was suffering from disease. Serving nation was his passion. I proudly say to that I have inherited this quality.   

He got retired from army services in 1991 at the age of 35 with nominal pension, with family to take care. After retirement future were completely in dark. Though the DGR (Director General of Resettlement) is the welfare organization trying their best to place army veterans to place in private sectors.  My father was lucky to be place in department of police through lot of struggle. He was one of those who got opportunity after retirement from army.

On 17th February 2014, P. Chidambaram has hoisted the green flag to long demanded, much promised never implemented one rank one pension. This move is likely to benefit 25 lakh army veterans who have been fighting for their rights of getting equal remuneration of pensions.
What is this One Rank one pension? One rank one pension was basically a long standing demand by army veterans for equal pension. There is difference between amount of pension paid to retired army personnel who retiree pre 2006 retired and post 2006 retiree.

Every pay commission bumps the salary of government employees and pension of retired personnel remains unchanged. This has widened the gap of those who retire earlier with same length of service and with same rank. This disparity spark after sixth pay commission, those veterans who retired before 1995 were getting 82% less amount of salary those who retired after 2006. And this disparity loaded a discontent among the ex-army personnel.

The veterans began their agitation and surrender 22,000 gallantry awards to the president in protest and in hope to get justice on their disparity issue of pensions.
P. Chidambaram has allocated Rs. 500 crors to bridge the gap of parity. However Rs. 1700-1800 crores required to bridge the gap completely.

UPA - 1 and UPA – 2 had denied the demand of the veterans, the sudden move of the government is to woo the ex-army men for upcoming general election though politically motivated is welcomed by veterans. And it is expected to attract vote bank of 25 lakh veterans and if their family taken into account 2 crores.
There will be republications awaited for next government from retired civil servant as they may demand t to resolve the disparity issues of their pension. This will have heavy financial implications of additional Rs.8000 to 9000 on government treasury.

Altogether, the move of the government on one rank one pension is must welcome as it gives justice to those who dedicate their lives restlessly for serving the nation.

Heartily Congratulation to Army Veterans!

You won the another battle!

Amol Nakve 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

International Women's Day


Honorable Supreme Court of India,

On eve of International Women’s Day, my best wishes and sincere thanks for executing women constitutional fundamental rights with utmost interest by the judiciary system and Government.

In Indian society we always worship women in form of goddesses. We always believe in equal opportunities for all. In our constitution under fundamental rights, right to equality has been granted to each and every citizen of the country.  But there were some un-constitutional element of society which has been regularly violated the women’s fundamental rights. And these were the causes of failure in execution of fundamental rights.
But over a period of time Indian democracy has come over the remedial to preserve the fundamental rights of women. And soon we shall be the greatest democracy in world having strong executed fundamental rights to women.

After Nirbhaya’s case there is drastic change in Indian society to look at women’s issues. I would say there is paradigm shift to look at women issues in society.
I am optimistic about Women’s Reservation Bill which shall allow 33% quota to women in lower house of parliament. Soon we will have women’s representation from all across the nation in parliament. This representation will, in other form will represent at least 40% of population. Women representation will also help us to ensure execution women’s fundamental rights.

Last year Government has amended Companies Act, 1956, to have participation of women in company’s boards. Now companies need to Women Board director. Execution at representative position will also result into execution at other levels.

Recently Government, under the guidelines  Vishakha judgement of Honorable Supreme Court of India has pass the bill on Women’s Sexual Harassment at workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal ) Act, 2013, which is landmark in Indian legislative history. According to this legislation each and every employer in private has to mandatorily formulate redressal mechanism by constituting Internal Complain Committee.  This will surely secure the execution of women’s Fundamental rights. These were the few of the important landmarks which will help us to secure execution of fundamental rights to women.

The objective of this letter is to highlight one of the critical issues face by the women with disability.  As per the census data 2011, India’s around 2 % population is with some or other form of disability. Out of which 46% are females. This class is subject greater range of social exclusion and far far away from mainstream.

After Nirbhaya’s case, there has been lot of changes have taken place in judiciary system.  Women with 
disability are highly vulnerable to rape case and there is high probability that due to extreme social exclusion number of such cases may not reach to judiciary system.  Our more than 1 crore population is vulnerable to this brutal, criminal act of exploitation.

Post Nirbhaya case, to make lows as strong as possible government has formulated committee under chairmanship of justice Verma to prevent and delt with rape cases and suggestions were asked from all segment of society. I am hopeful that justice Verma has received the few suggestions to protect the rights of women with disability. 

By this letter I am requesting Honorable Supreme Court of India to consider all rape cases of women with disability as rarest of rare and grant a maximum punishment and also such cases proceeding to be conducted in fast track cases.  This will be inclusive practice and help us in rehabilitation aggrieved women with disability.
With hope that Honorable Supreme Court of India, will treat this request priority and will help in

Once again, best wishes for International Women day.

Amol Nakve.           


Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.