Friday, October 11, 2013



I am delighted to share views on retention tools. I have been discussing this topic among HR fraternity from last five years and found following ways of retaining people in the organization. Nonetheless retention is long term process which has to be completed in phased manner to consolidate attrition in your organisation.

1) Recruitment :-
Retention always starts with recruiting right people who will keep their journey along with organisational journey with intact alignments. And for recruiting right people we must have precise recruitment process with defined position and organisation specific competencies. This is the only point where we can curb the attrition. Some anonymous rightly said ‘ retention tools are antidote for attrition and well defined and executed recruitment practices would act as vaccines.   
2) Induction :-
Induction activity will help to acclimatized new incumbent with organisation. This is one of the activity which make people aware about organisation and its purpose of existence. This is where employee engagement starts. This is where path meets. Similarly people want to learn and grow. This will help them to meet their personal and professional objective. T and D is playing pivotal role in retention.  
3) HR Policies :-
Good HR Practices- Transparent well defined practices motivates employees and differentiate one organisation from another. People practices are key factor for health of organisation. Unique and awesome HR practices should became talk of the town. GHRP must also helps in attracting talent. 
4) R and R :-
Why do people want to work for organisation? Money? Not exactly. People want to contribute. Contribute towards organisations mission and vision. In return they expect recognition for their contribution. Effective rewards and recognition programs are giving the competitive advantage. Rewarded, recognized  and happy employee will not think about leaving the organisation.    
5) Career Path :-
What next? What would be the next orbital for growth? Can I see the dreams with the organisation? Where I will reach after excellence?
Career succession plan is giving direction to careers of people. Well defined, structured and transparent CSP is one of the retention tool.
6) Culture :-
People want to survive in virtuous environment where progressive and future things are discussed. Culture enables people to perform. It establishes linkage between job and its impact on surrounding and society. The impact... impact on society.      

Amol Nakve 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It is dangerous to be too good

I have still not understood what exactly Bernard Shaw wanted to say.

Best wishes on eve of Gandhi Jayanti.

(courtesy: Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad)   



Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.