It was
very interesting to view the Idea's ad campaign '3G pe Biji'
where Abhishek Bachchan tried to explain how 3G has revolutionized
as one of the best birth control measure to control the population. 3G services
were seems doing the actual work of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It
gives some sort amusement and bemuses us between 3G and birth control measures.
Unfortunately 2G lost its clout over charges of scams otherwise it would have also
come as birth control tool too prior to 3G. But let me tell you the 'Inflation saga' which has prevented this telecom
services from becoming the important measure and government can’t give
subsidies to 3G. All the telecoms players are keep rising the
cost associated with these services and making it out of reach of AAM
AADAMI. However 3G phenomenon may claim their work for middle aged married
couples not for youth as we all know the exact usage by youth in a subtle way.
sincere thanks to renowned writers Chetan Bhagat and Amish for not
claiming their novels as birth control measures (Novels Pe Buzi).
year ago I was with discussion with one of my close friend from Northern part of
India, the discussion was all about the current economic living scenario for common man.
My friend is having only child and he is giving his soulful attention to
upbringing his child. I have asked him about his plan about another child. I was little bit hesitant to ask this private question. But I dared
to understand my friends views. His answers have put me to write this article. Keeping in views of the living cost in today economic scenario, it has become
too expensive to take care of your loved ones.
People termed the general increased in prices hindering good upbringing of their kids. The cost associated with children's good health, food, medicine and education is too high. Providing these facilities to children has become mammoth task for the parents. Therefore larger segment of population thinking about single child policy and which may result into low growth rate of population in upcoming era. This will be proves as happy news for demographers. And gives another view to us to look at inflation as wonderful tool to curb population. It’s just like that looking at issues from other point of view.
People termed the general increased in prices hindering good upbringing of their kids. The cost associated with children's good health, food, medicine and education is too high. Providing these facilities to children has become mammoth task for the parents. Therefore larger segment of population thinking about single child policy and which may result into low growth rate of population in upcoming era. This will be proves as happy news for demographers. And gives another view to us to look at inflation as wonderful tool to curb population. It’s just like that looking at issues from other point of view.
is reducing the human resource of the nation! Isn't it! Or it is opening the window of demographic dividend!
Amol Nakve.