Saturday, November 23, 2013



It was a very cold evening in the month of December. Dehradoon is the perfect destination for settling the turbulence of mind. Of course the Doon valley is the spectacular place in the world. Temperature was shivering cold and fair enough to put liveliness into your cold body. Some people describe it as natural calamity and others describes it as wonders of nature.

I am one of those who believes that this phenomenon as wonders of nature. It was our inner strength which keeps us alive. Calamities are meant to test our strengths.

Twinkling light of Mussoorie adding more charms to Dehradoon. These lights always invites me to enjoy the extravagant peace of mountain.     

Massiveness of massive mountains and profundity of deep valleys always accommodate you with love and care. As sun sets, these lights rise, like sun rises in morning triumph over darkness. If you were pragmatic you would have felt that there were no nights. 

I was quite fortunate because my house was juxtaposed to witness this phenomenon. I felt that winter is specking to me in silence. The memories of coldness will always keep me warm. I live in that moment. May be larger than life.    

It was beginning of virtuous cycle and it is!   

Amol Nakve

Friday, October 11, 2013



I am delighted to share views on retention tools. I have been discussing this topic among HR fraternity from last five years and found following ways of retaining people in the organization. Nonetheless retention is long term process which has to be completed in phased manner to consolidate attrition in your organisation.

1) Recruitment :-
Retention always starts with recruiting right people who will keep their journey along with organisational journey with intact alignments. And for recruiting right people we must have precise recruitment process with defined position and organisation specific competencies. This is the only point where we can curb the attrition. Some anonymous rightly said ‘ retention tools are antidote for attrition and well defined and executed recruitment practices would act as vaccines.   
2) Induction :-
Induction activity will help to acclimatized new incumbent with organisation. This is one of the activity which make people aware about organisation and its purpose of existence. This is where employee engagement starts. This is where path meets. Similarly people want to learn and grow. This will help them to meet their personal and professional objective. T and D is playing pivotal role in retention.  
3) HR Policies :-
Good HR Practices- Transparent well defined practices motivates employees and differentiate one organisation from another. People practices are key factor for health of organisation. Unique and awesome HR practices should became talk of the town. GHRP must also helps in attracting talent. 
4) R and R :-
Why do people want to work for organisation? Money? Not exactly. People want to contribute. Contribute towards organisations mission and vision. In return they expect recognition for their contribution. Effective rewards and recognition programs are giving the competitive advantage. Rewarded, recognized  and happy employee will not think about leaving the organisation.    
5) Career Path :-
What next? What would be the next orbital for growth? Can I see the dreams with the organisation? Where I will reach after excellence?
Career succession plan is giving direction to careers of people. Well defined, structured and transparent CSP is one of the retention tool.
6) Culture :-
People want to survive in virtuous environment where progressive and future things are discussed. Culture enables people to perform. It establishes linkage between job and its impact on surrounding and society. The impact... impact on society.      

Amol Nakve 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It is dangerous to be too good

I have still not understood what exactly Bernard Shaw wanted to say.

Best wishes on eve of Gandhi Jayanti.

(courtesy: Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad)   


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Once again Johnny Depp has proved his assets. Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, the actor and director pair is not more than fist. Fist to an audience, the millions of audience all across the word. It take courage to perform such character. Well acting is all about reacting; if that is all true this dearly need guts to perform such character.

Sweeney Todd is historical fictional character first appear in story titled The Spring of Perils in 1847. Till this time Sweeney Todd character has appeared in six movies.  Its agonized story of a barber who is on task of revenge. The movie covers the aspect of love, lust, injustice, betrayal, crime. This is poetical movie. 
Johney Depp is really ‘certified great actor'.     

Must watch movie J


Ed Wood

Ed Wood

Johny Depp once again proved his stone in Tim Burton's 'Ed Wood'.

Ed Wood Jr was an American actor, director, writer author and producer born on 10th October 1924.
He had filmed 80 movies in his lifetime almost all of then were failures. 
In 1992, Rudolph Grey's biography Nightmare of Ecstasy  has reaches to masses and explored the various dimensions of Ed Wood life. This has also leads to Tim Burton which in fact forced him to screen Ed Wood in 1994.
In 1980 Ed Wood has been awarded a Golden Turkey Award as Worst Director of all Time. 
Throughout his life Ed Wood  tried to make something so memorable but could not succeeded on all stances and leads other succeed on other terms. He was born to fail but didn’t give up his effort to achieve the desired to achieve. Failure never bends the living spirit of Ed Wood. Johnny’s performance has done the real justice the character of ED WOOD. His sebastian performance in movie poured the zeal into many who has vanishes their fuel of zeal. And this will keep them to burn their powder till end. The movie has won 2 Academy Awards. Johnny Depp is ‘certified great actor’. My learning 'your work would never be un-notice and if so it will reincarnate in other era'

Highly recommended movie.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Keep Swimming!


Keep Swimming....
No matter how you born!

Keep Swimming....
No matter how far is the school!

Keep Swimming....
No matter it is last bench in class!

Keep swimming....
No matter you have one lucky fin!

Keep Swimming....
No matter you are not in race!

Keep swimming....
No matter you don’t have fit shoes!

Keep swimming....
No matter you are not in army!

Keep Swimming....
Doe'st matter you never top the university!

Keep Swimming....
No matter anything is not perfect!

Keep Swimming....
What really matters is you Keep Swimming :) 

So Keep Swimming!   

-Amol Nakve.

Inspiration from Finding Nemo

Friday, April 5, 2013

Inflation: An important economic tool to curb Population.

It was very interesting to view the Idea's ad campaign '3G pe Biji' where Abhishek Bachchan tried to explain  how 3G has revolutionized as one of the best birth control measure to control the population. 3G services were seems doing the actual work of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It gives some sort amusement and bemuses us between 3G and birth control measures. Unfortunately 2G lost its clout over charges of scams otherwise it would have also come as birth control tool too prior to 3G. But let me tell you the 'Inflation saga' which has prevented this telecom services from becoming the important measure and government can’t give subsidies to 3G. All the telecoms players are keep rising the cost associated with these services and making it out of reach of AAM AADAMI. However 3G phenomenon may claim their work for middle aged married couples not for youth as we all know the exact usage by youth in a subtle way.  
My sincere thanks to renowned writers Chetan Bhagat and Amish for not claiming their novels as birth control measures (Novels Pe Buzi).        

Around year ago I was with discussion with one of my close friend from Northern part of India, the discussion was all about the current economic living scenario for common man. My friend is having only child and he is giving his soulful attention to upbringing his child. I have asked him about his plan about another child. I was little bit hesitant to ask this private question. But I dared to understand my friends views. His answers have put me to write this article. Keeping in views of the living cost in today economic scenario, it has become too expensive to take care of your loved ones.

People termed the general increased in prices hindering good upbringing of their kids. The cost associated with children's good health, food, medicine and education is too high. Providing these facilities to children has become mammoth task for the parents. Therefore larger segment of population thinking about single child policy and which may result into low growth rate of population in upcoming era. This will be proves as happy news for demographers. And gives another view to us to look at inflation as wonderful tool to curb population. It’s just like that looking at issues from other point of view.          
Inflation is reducing the human resource of the nation! Isn't it! Or it is opening the window of demographic dividend!

Amol Nakve.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

HR Out Sourcing for SME's: A Harmful Act.

HR Out Sourcing for SME's: A Harmful Act. 

It was Saturday,10th March 2012,  I happened to attend the seminar organised by Head Start Network -a non profit organisation called Saturday Start Up.

T.V. Rao( Father of Indian HRD) was there as chief speaker to share his life long learning of HRD to young budding entrepreneurs. He told all the participant' if you are starting entrepreneur then dont hire HR, as line manager  you have to have HRD skills in you for growth of the organisation. People's skill is one of the catalyst for growth of the enterprise. He have to have prepared the first set of people to work with him for longer time and unless and until entrepreneurs doesn't  develops  these skills the dream may not come into picture. At that time I was not agreed with his opinion but over time I realized the important of his thoughts.   
Out side person would act like medicine not a as Vaccine. He will only prescribed remedies for the current issues and will not look into the root causes of the consequences, Outsiders will always have their own agendas he will not assimilate with your dreams and vision and he will pretend to behave like insider. For start ups its not desirable tool, for mid size and well established cos it is recommended to go for HR out sourcing i.e. only to strengthen your people function with internal dedicated person not to established your HR function from an eternal person. He may not understand the foundation of the organisation. HRM is difficult subject and required some special integrated skills and most of the times it fails that why in most of the organisation is remain as Personnel function not HRD function. Consultant will always professionally treat you as client.... that's It....   He will Never live with your dreams .............. Never.....


Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Siege of Krishanpur.

The Siege of Krishanpur.

This book surely help you to learn the impact of British Raj on civilization in India. It rediscovered the causes of Revolts of 1857 viz Britishers called it as Mutiny of Sepoy. The survival and fear of Companies delegates during the rebellion era was visible in the narration by the author. This was the time when British empire started setting off the their sun. Book also revels that the British empire's contribution to the India's development in terms of massive infrastructures, health, protection to native Maharajas from other foreign tyrannies, contradict to this, it has also causes some detrimental impacts also like opium trade by company and divide and rule strategy and unreasonable taxes to mass, usage of skin of cow and pig on ordnance/weapons.

The Krishanpur is fictitious town in northern India where Britishers has established their administrative mechanism very adjacent to Captanganj cantonment. Revolts has began in Captanganj and District collectors has to ensure the safety and  life's of Britishers from rebelling Sepoy who took the complete control over Capanganj cantonment. Where he has devised the preventing and curative mechanism to fought attracts by the sepoys.
The author J.G Farrell has well studies the various letters and dairies of the posted staff during this period prior to writing  the book. Which has merely stood as eyewitness of the mutiny of sepoy.
Their wonderful efforts to fought back attracts on residency are extremely admirable with limited resources in hand. The Siege of Krishanpur is part of Farrell's  'Empire Trilogy' novels. Other novels in the same series are Troubles and The Singapure Grip. All these novels trying to interpret the causes and consequences of fall down of the British raj.

Britishers at Krishanpur were at siege for more than four months and sepoy assaulted them many time. Collector along with his people were lived in with little demarcation of life and death or hope  and despair. Before the relief came there were death tolls due to cholera, lack of food and sepoy. The only hope factor to them was the relief from the some other part of the country to save them. It is too much wonderful to study the Revolts of 1857 from British prospective. At last when relief came the survives of the mutiny of the sepoy  filled their pulmonary machines with sense of life. And it took another 100 years for Britisher to impart their Civilization to India.

Good read!

- Amol P. Nakve.    


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Separation:

A Separation:

I have been many times recommended to watch the this Iranian movie A Separation by my dearest friend Shijoj Mathew since last one year, bus I could not able to complete his recommendation till yesterday and finally today I  watched this movie. A separation is written and directed by Asghar Farhadi and premiered on 9th Feb 2011. The Nader and Simin, the average class couple living with their 11 year daughter Termeh in Iran on verge of separation/divorce. They love each other inexplicably and adorably but  Simin and having exit visa with remaining 40 days wanted to leave Iran permanently for better future especially for their daughter however Nader wanted to stay in Iran to take of his father who suffers from Alzheimer disease and who requires close supervision. The arguments leaves Nader and Simin but one choice: Divorce. But the consequences of it were beyond their expectations.

There were set of other characters which played very critical role and  which may leads or may not catalyzed the separation and lies leads to truth finally. Its has been said and proved that its all written in destiny and know one can erase it. Nader and Simin were separated affectionately at the end with the thread of their daughter after 14 years of their successful marriage. It is the only love which separates the love. The characters of Nader and Simin were exceptionally well played by Payman Moaadi and Leila Hatami respectively. It has become tough to conclude who has performed exceptionally well. All the character had given their best and inextricably got homogenized with their role. The direction is very well appreciated. I guess one has to learn to  make movies with limited resources like  no big crew and no big budgets, and scores from this Iranian director. In India the commercial cinema trend leads to nowhere. Art movies are losing their shines in India. It might be the demand from the audience. But the class of art movies is still higher. And one has to serve this.

This is the first Iranian movies to won the Oscar Awards in year 2012 for category of Best Foreign language. The Director has also collected the Silver Peacock(Best Direction) award at International Film Festival of India(2011). What a wonderful direction. Must watch movie.

Kudos to Direction.




Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.