Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Sense of An Ending.

The Sense of An Ending.

The English author Julian Barnes deserved the title of Man Booker(2011), another feather on his cap  for his splendid novel ‘The Sense of Ending’.
The novel is revolving around the four characters. Tony Webster and his clique vis Alex, Adrian, Colin and his girl Veronica. The novel is mainly put into two parts. Part one tells the story of collage days with friends. The days of juvenile mind, who always perceived to get control over the wins and fancies of their perception. The life is about to start and walk till the sense of ending.

In Second part Tony has started to solve the equations of life after receiving the letter from solicitor of his ex-girl friend Veronica’s mother. After reading letter he went back to forty years ago to dig into the relationships with Veronica and what went wrong and how did she went out with his close friend Adrian and at last he admitted and apologies for the mess. The main characteristics of the 'remorse' is nothing can be about it and the major feature of apology is that you can express it at any point of time. We should not feel regretted while  making any amend. This is what I learnt from the reading and Tony learnt smallest pain and pleasure will teach the time’s malleability.

It was the journey from postcards to emails. Readers will have the flavors of 1960 and 2000.  The book is highly rated for the reading and it will keep you spellbound.          

-Amol Nakve


Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.