Saturday, December 29, 2012



I woke up at 6 O'clock in morning and there were mails and comments of  birthday wishes and I was well prepared for the some sort of mild celebration. But there were also the news of 23 year's Nirbhaya's demises were published on the google news who has been brutally gang raped on 16th December 2012.  She has lost her battle for life but she will survives in the heart of citizen of the nation.

It's not the first incident of women molestation in Delhi. There has been more than 630 rapes in this calender year. It means at every  14th hour there has  been one rape.Well these are the only only officially registered figured, the real number may differ. Nirbhaya's death brings out the old issues of  women's respect and safety. The nation of 1.2 billion population where women workship in the form of goddess and the such a kind of molestation is definitely saddening news. Delhi and thereby nation is covered with clouds of grief and anger.  
Today Nirbhaya is not with us but she has ignited the issues of women safety and that indignation has became wild fire and spread across the country. Her fight for life will not go in vain.

Time has come to be proactive for the matters related to women safety. Few of the measures which I read and thought are capital punishment, publishing database of the rapist on public forum, night patrolling by police, setting of fast track courts for speedy justice to the victims, ensuring women safety for the public places like stations, airports, public transport, providing safe environment at the work station, legalization of prostitution and I sincerely believe that there is need to inculcate respect for women at early education level to greatly reduce the women's molestation.

Supreme court in matters of Vishakha v/s state of Rajasthan given guidelines to deals with the cases of Sexual Harassment by constructing internal complain committee headed by women but the enactment of this is in doubt at Indian corporate level. Whereas there are corporation who are paying large attention to women safety by restricting day hours work only and easy pick up and drop arrangements. The Nirbhaya's  death has gained huge international media coverage also, Indians are feeling ashamed of the humiliated episode at there land.

Let us act together to make women safe and secure.
Join the mission!

We can not be empowered unless and until women will not be empowered.

May Nirbhaya's soul  Rest In Peace! Salute to her indomitable spirit!




Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Inheritance of Loss.

The Inheritance of Loss.

I did have other options to read other novels but the affection towards mountains had persuaded me to read the Kiran Desai's The Inheritance of Loss.

The narrations  are with contradict about wealth and poverty, migrant and resident, love and hate, regret and contentedness and East and West. Kiran Desai has paid equal attention to the contradicts of life.

At the foot of mount Kanchenjunga lives retired judge and his grand daughter Sai along with cook. Judge who want peace and believed that this world is too far away from the justice. He had lots of thing to regret in life. Sai is been alone character who in term in love with her tutor and waiting to get rid from the betrayed shadow of affection. Cooks son, the migrant in USA and the issues of the migrant and his sight towards the home has been well narrated in the novel. The insurgence Gorkhaland movement by GNLF during 1980 to form Indian-Nepali state. The affect of the movement on local folks are greatly pictured by the writer.

Novel help me to learn the multi-dimension of the characters revolving around us. Indeed the it's a majestic and delicious novel and will fulfill the promise of great reading with joy and companionship.    


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Araku Valley(Eastern Ghats).

Hi ,

I have just visited another valley in eastern ghats called Araku Valley in Ananthgiri hills. But here we could not ignore the massiveness of Eastern Ghat as compared to Himalaya.

To reach Araku Valley one need to get down at Vishakhapatnam. I have started my journey from Hyderabad on 15th Dec 2012 which 700 km away.

Vishakhaptnam is well connected by Buses, Trains and Air from Hyderabad. A.P.T.D.C. is providing rail cum bus tour package for Araku Valley and Borra Caves which is costing around Rs. 700/- which includes your fares, BF, Lunch Team and the entry tickets.

I have reached Vishakhapatan early in the morning and reported at A.P.T.D.C. counter at railway station. The only one passenger train is running on this route from Vishakhapatam. I have boarded the train at 6:50 am and reached at Araku valley around 11:00 am. The journey from Vishakhapatnam was mesmerizing, train has to cross 52 tunnels to reach Araku. Here we can see the beautiful sites. This travel has taught me if you destined to reach your destination then paths will find your and will force you to travel to me destiny.

One you reach Araku Valley A.P.C.D.C. buses will dropped you at various places.

First place one of them is Padmapuram garden hubs into 26 acres and established in 1942. We can spent silence time in this garden.

Next place where we got drop is Tribal museum. The way in which A.P.T.D.C. has integrated Tribal Development initiative into tourism is really appreciable. The Museum provide a quick glance of Tribal Folk life. Here they have installed the counters for selling the handicraft exclusively made by the tribal folks.

Next destination was at A.P.T.D.C. resort for Dimsa Folk Dance by Jimdara tribe. Women in there traditional costumes dance to prey their village goddess. Here they are exhibiting team spirit with their extraordinary synchronizations during the dance.One has to follow team leader for rest of the dance. Araku is the most fecund land in Eastern Ghat, I wondered as drove by in the train and bus during the visit.

 Araku Valley surrounded by Ananthgiri hills guarded by Nilgiri trees. Araku valley very famous fro Coffee plantation. Approx 9000 hectors were planted with coffee plants. Which is forming another economic activity along with tourism.

To reach Borra caves we have to travel another 40 km from valley. Borra caves were bought to notice by William King George of Geographical Servery of India in 1807. Caves are the famous from variety of Spelothems. Once of the wonderful creation by nature has irregular Stalactites and Stalagmites. Stalactites are the pointed pendant structure hanging from cave ceiling. Stalagmites ground structure counterparts of stalagmites.

Few mythologies were discussed among the tribes about the caves,
cow had felt in the caves and survive by the lingam like structure and people worshiped that structure in honor of Lord Shiva, River Gosthani originate from the caves flow towards Vishakhapatnam and merges into Bay of Bengal Sea. Araku Valley and Borra Caves serve another exciting destination for travelers. The best season to visit valley is from October to January. 

For me year 2012 were great fist where I have visited Valley of Flowers in Himalayas and Araku Valley in Eastern Ghats.

Amol Nakve.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bhamashah Financial Empowerment Scheme: A ruined efforts.

Bhamashah Financial Empowerment Scheme: A ruined efforts.

It was pretty humid and sunny day when I have started my professional career. The shyness of academics was still in my behavior. Agra (U.P.) seems to be unknowingly known place for me. I have been more exited to work at place which is highly rated tourist destination in INDIA. The responsibility of to look after the entire HRM of North India for the company which is doing the phenomenal work of financial inclusion is commonly known as BASIX was aligned on my shoulders. After completion of Induction I have been asked to join at Jaipur(Rajsthan) for Bhamashah Financial Empowerment Scheme to help and support in the matters pertaining to HRM.   

Today I have gone through the current status of the project to learn the social impact of my work which aimed at to bring back the excluded community to main stream by welcoming them financial world. It was wonderful tool to welcome the women of BPL and APL family member to the world of Finance.
The project has been awarded to IL and FS to get the required data with their bio-metric details to open a Bank account.   The Government will deposit Rs. 1500/- to these accounts and 30000/- health insurance coverage by enrolling the forms from respective beneficiary.

IL and FS has subcontracted the task of getting enrollment form filled with bio-metric details to BASIX group for 33 district of Rajasthan (The enrollment phase). The 44 lakhs of a population of the Rajasthan State has to be enrolled within limited period of time.  I along with team have mobilized the human resources from different part of the nation to complete the task. A lot of NGO’s has helped us by providing the manpower for the project. The resources have work effortlessly to get the task done.

After 4 years, the status of the project is in freeze mode. As Govt has change, present govt. stopped the scheme and sent it for the review to sub cabinet committee. A rupee 161 crores has been parked with PNB in the name of financial weaker women of Rajasthan state and PNB seems to be awarded with this public money as its advanced portfolio. As scheme is under review banks is not allowing women account holder (who has been issued the account). The entire project has become political controversy.

The scheme is in doldrums.  The fate the project is depends upon the recommendation/report of the committee.  Till date, it is loss of 40 lakhs customers to the bank, the substantial portion of the population is remained excluded from financial word, the wastage of public money while implementing the project and keeping it on hold,  it has direct or indirect impact on growth and development of the state, the States agenda of empowering women remain falsified,  now a day’s FM is talking a lot about  electronic cash transfer scheme it might be possible that if implemented these account will be directly utilized for immediate execution of the electronic cash transfer scheme. And most importantly there is loss of opportunity for the all the stakeholder of the Bhamashah Scheme. The only visible solution seems to be the immediate intervention of judicial mechanism to instruct the State govt. to unfreeze the project. Otherwise it may take too longer to start the work with Govt. efforts.    

Personally it becomes weird thing especially for one who has worked on this project and their sleepless and restless efforts are becoming ruined.

Ultimately social impact of your job counts a lot.  

-Amol Pralhad Nakve  


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bluetooth Marketing.


This is something new which I learn about Bluetooth.

Hope that new age marketing managers will have better and quicker utilization for promotional purpose.


Bluetooth Marketing – New Way in Mobile Marketing.
Bluetooth marketing is a very new form of mobile marketing. It is a location-based mobile marketing campaign, which can be used for example at trade fairs, in shopping malls, movie theaters or at events and activities.

Mobile marketing is usually associated with significant costs on the part of potential Customized, when no Bluetooth marketing costs incurred by the recipient. While sending a simple SMS or MMS as well, your standard network charges, such as when downloading via GPRS or UMTS or when opening a browser service. At this alleged vulnerability of mobile marketing, uses Bluetooth to marketing, because this channel allows the transmission of data at no cost on the part of the consumer.

For this purpose, in highly frequented places local Bluetooth networks are developed. These are special radio systems that are built with a limited range of about 30 meters a network. Now enters users into the Bluetooth environment, he receives a message from the system, with the request for authorization.

Only after this has occurred, the data provided to be transferred to the mobile phone of the customer. It can in this way, for example, wallpaper, pictures, videos, contacts or applications to be transmitted without resulting cost to the user. A content management system provides here that the content will be prepared for the individual terminal of the user.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Sense of An Ending.

The Sense of An Ending.

The English author Julian Barnes deserved the title of Man Booker(2011), another feather on his cap  for his splendid novel ‘The Sense of Ending’.
The novel is revolving around the four characters. Tony Webster and his clique vis Alex, Adrian, Colin and his girl Veronica. The novel is mainly put into two parts. Part one tells the story of collage days with friends. The days of juvenile mind, who always perceived to get control over the wins and fancies of their perception. The life is about to start and walk till the sense of ending.

In Second part Tony has started to solve the equations of life after receiving the letter from solicitor of his ex-girl friend Veronica’s mother. After reading letter he went back to forty years ago to dig into the relationships with Veronica and what went wrong and how did she went out with his close friend Adrian and at last he admitted and apologies for the mess. The main characteristics of the 'remorse' is nothing can be about it and the major feature of apology is that you can express it at any point of time. We should not feel regretted while  making any amend. This is what I learnt from the reading and Tony learnt smallest pain and pleasure will teach the time’s malleability.

It was the journey from postcards to emails. Readers will have the flavors of 1960 and 2000.  The book is highly rated for the reading and it will keep you spellbound.          

-Amol Nakve

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Organizational Performance:

The organizational performance is the intersection of Individual competence, Job demand and Organizational Culture.

    1. Individual Competence:                                                                                                                                    Individual competence is the set of knowledge, skills and attitude which leads to effective and efficient performance. Above mention parameters can be enhanced with requisite attitude at any point of time. The only crucial factor of consideration is the only attitude. Attitude is the underlying and inheritance characteristics of high performer which set out for the desirable result. Knowledge and skills are the only catalyst.  Leadership of the person is the key to success of team whereas his role becomes transformational when he plays a role of leader to manage the resources. 
    2. Job Demand:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Where the Job/work demand complementary matched the only flow will be created and that flow will always ensure the sustainability of the business to deliver its values to the stakeholders.  Creating the demand document will be a critical factor to get the success from the position. Job demand has to have three parts viz your job description, job specification and SMART- KRA where things can become measurable.  Requirement has to be specific which only is resulted from a lot of work fragmentation and defragmentation of mission and vision.  The goal is to reach thousands miles and people of the institution are sharing their few miles in the journey towards reaching the destination and that shared/required distance has to be clear. 
    3. Organizational Culture:
      Culture is the differentiating factor, which distinguished one institute from other.  It would be not right to only consider the political definition of the culture.  When culture is nurturing the performance then it became its performance driven culture where people are well appreciated and their role is recognized. The economic term incentive would help to create a new mile stone in setting out the performance culture.   Many issues are sorted out when organization setting right culture for their people and the values have to be inculcated in belief of the institution and there by the people. The good time to set culture is when organizations evolved from formal or informal groups i.e. the process of institutionalization.  I firmly believe the onus of HR is playing catalyst role to set the culture of high performance. Being the custodian of the HRM we are playing very important role  in defining and structuring the factors which are mention this blog. And surely and dearly we can set the culture of performance.    

                                  - Amol Nakve.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

India doesn't need FDI in retail to grow: Joseph Stiglitz

India doesn't need FDI in retail to grow: Joseph Stiglitz

(One of the few economists who predicted the financial crisis of 2008, Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz is also credited with starting the "1% versus 99%" debate. TheColumbia University professor talks to Shobhan Saxena about his latest book, "The Price of Inequality", in which he argues that economic inequality leads to instability.)

In your book, you argue that an equal society is more efficient and productive. How does inequality destroy productivity and create instability?
The title of the book reflects a view that counters the right-wing argument that inequality may be a bad thing but to do anything about inequality is to kill the goose that lays golden eggs. Inequality is bad for economy, democracy and society. Much of the inequality in the US arises out of rent-seeking -monopoly, exploitive practices by banks and corporate exploitation of public resources. In the Indian context, you will call it corruption but we call it corruption American-style, where you give away natural resources below market prices. India is doing it now but America has a long history of doing this.

There is a clear association between inequality and instability. People at the top don't spend too much, they save a lot but people at the bottom spend everything. So you redistribute income from the bottom to the top and demand goes down. That makes an economy weak. That is what happened in the US. We would have had a weaker economy, but the Feds stepped in by creating a bubble that created more demand to offset the demand that was going down. Of course, creating a bubble was creating instability.

The financial crisis that started in 2008 is still continuing but it seems nothing is being done to check inequality...
Both the IMF and the UN commission that I chaired came to the conclusion that inequality was one of the major causes for the crisis. It is not the direct, precipitating cause that bad lending was, but bad lending was a result of deregulation and the interest rates that were itself a result of inequality. If we don't improve inequality and don't do something else, it is going to be hard to get back to robust growth and prosperity. We are likely to have another housing bubble.

In the US, there is a lot of anger against Wall Street but in the presidential debates none of the candidates have mentioned the word 'inequality'.
American politics is money-intensive and money-driven. Each of the candidates is expected to spend a billion dollars. When you spend so much, you have to go where the money is, and money in America is at the top. Therefore it is not a surprise that in the campaign you don't hear a lot of discussion about inequality and the 1%. You don't bite the hand that is feeding you in the middle of an election.

Will the debate over '1% versus 99%' last or is it just a phase?
It will be a part of America unless we address inequality. It is just not that the top 1% get three to four times more that what they got in the 1980s, but the middle class today is worse off. When you have this degree of stagnation in the middle, there will be an expression through the political process.

You say that GDP is not the right way to measure a country's real strength. In India, we talk too much about our growing GDP. Is that a mistake?
I haven't looked at India exactly, but it has strong implication for every country. In the case of China, if you take into account the environmental degradation and resource depletion, growth is much less than what it seems. You need that debate in India. Your GDP is going up, you have per capita highest number of billionaires but at the same time you have many people in poverty. So the GDP per capita doesn't capture what is happening. In India, the progress in the middle and at the bottom has been less than what GDP in itself would like you to believe.

What impact will FDI in retail have on the Indian economy?
The advocates of FDI have probably put too much emphasis on it. India is in a different position than a small, developing country. You have a large pool of entrepreneurs. They are globally savvy, have access to global technology and they have a lot of wealth. So, if there were large returns to large-scale supermarkets, the domestic industry would have supplied it. Not having access to FDI is not an impediment in India. Wal-Mart is able to procure many goods at lower prices than others because of the huge buying power they have and will use that power to bring Chinese goods to India to displace Indian production. So the worry is not so much about the displacement of the small retail store but displacement further down the supply chain.

But big chains may create more jobs.
Some of the profits of companies like Wal-Mart come from free riding on our society. They don't provide healthcare benefits and assume that the spouses of the workers get healthcare benefits from their other employees or through some other mechanism. They might not be a good employer.

(Source Economics Times Sunday 21st Oct. 2012.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Man Booker Prize.

The Man Booker Prize.

'The Man Booker Prize' award (Booker Prize) is considered ‘Oscars for Novels’. First time ‘The Man Booker prize’ was awarded in 1969 to P.H. Newby’s novel ‘Something to Answer For’.  The Man Booker Prize is given to fiction work/novel in English every year by the citizen of Commonwealth Nations and Ireland. The award originally known as Booker –McConnell Prize, after the company Booker McConnell started sponsoring the prize way back in the year 1968. In 2002 administration of the prize transfer to Booker Prize Foundation and sponsor became the investment company ‘Man Group’ and chosen to retain ‘Booker’ as part of official title of the prize.

                This year ‘The Man Booker Prize-2012’ award will be declared today in short while among six shortlisted Novels. Among these six shortlisted we have nomination from Indian writer Jeet Thyil for his debut novel ‘Narcopolis’. Other shortlist authors are Tan Twan Eng for 'The garden of Evening Mists', Deborah Levy for 'Swimming Home', Hilary Mantel for 'Bring Up the Bodies', Alison Moore for 'The Lighthouse' and Will Self for 'Umbrella'.
Salman Rushdie- 'Midnights Children', Arundhati Roy-'God of Small Things', Kiran Desai-'The Inheritance of Loss' and Arvind Adiga- 'The White Tiger' of India who have won the prestigious award in past.

Whereas Man Booker International Prize is international literary award given to living author of any nationality for book published in English or available in English form after translation.  The Man Booker International Prize first time held in 2005 and awarded to Albanian novelist Ismail Kadare.   

Sl No
P. H. Newby
Something to Answer For
United Kingdom
Bernice Rubens
The Elected Member
United Kingdom
J. G. Farrell
United Kingdom
V. S. Naipaul
In a Free State
Short story
United Kingdom
Trinidad and Tobago
John Berger
Experimental novel
United Kingdom
Nadine Gordimer
The Conservationist
South Africa
Stanley Middleton
United Kingdom
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
Heat and Dust
Historical novel
United Kingdom

David Storey
United Kingdom
Paul Scott
Staying On
United Kingdom
Iris Murdoch
The Sea, the Sea
Philosophical novel
United Kingdom
Penelope Fitzgerald
United Kingdom
William Golding
Rites of Passage
United Kingdom
Salman Rushdie
Midnight's Children
Magical realism
United Kingdom
Thomas Keneally
Schindler's Ark
Biographical novel
J. M. Coetzee
Life & Times of Michael K
South Africa
Anita Brookner
Hotel du Lac
United Kingdom
Keri Hulme
The Bone People
Mystery novel
New Zealand
Kingsley Amis
The Old Devils
Comic novel
United Kingdom
Penelope Lively
Moon Tiger
United Kingdom
Peter Carey
Oscar and Lucinda
Kazuo Ishiguro
The Remains of the Day
Historical novel
United Kingdom
A. S. Byatt
United Kingdom
Ben Okri
The Famished Road
Magic realism
Michael Ondaatje
The English Patient
Historiographic metafiction
Sri Lanka
Barry Unsworth
Sacred Hunger
Historical novel
United Kingdom
Roddy Doyle
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
James Kelman
How Late It Was, How Late
Stream of consciousness
United Kingdom
Pat Barker
The Ghost Road
War novel
United Kingdom
Graham Swift
Last Orders
United Kingdom
Arundhati Roy
The God of Small Things
Ian McEwan
United Kingdom
J. M. Coetzee
South Africa
Margaret Atwood
The Blind Assassin
Peter Carey
True History of the Kelly Gang
Historical novel
Yann Martel
Life of Pi
Fantasy novel
DBC Pierre
Vernon God Little
Alan Hollinghurst
The Line of Beauty
Historical novel
United Kingdom
John Banville
The Sea
Anne Enright
The Gathering
Aravind Adiga
The White Tiger
Hilary Mantel
Wolf Hall
Historical novel
United Kingdom
Howard Jacobson
The Finkler Question
United Kingdom
 Hilary Mantel
Bring Up the Bodies

 (Novel's Title linked will be activated  (for Novel)with review details as and when I complete the reading of the novel)   

 Thanks and Regards
Amol Pralhad Nakve. 


Reflections! Clicked at Dwarka, Gujarat, India.